Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Bubble that is Americans

Current Favorite Color (because it changes rather frequently): Green

America is a big country. Like really, they're not kidding when they say 'from sea to shining sea'. You figure in a big country like, say, Hong Kong, it'd be chalk full of other big Americans (and no, I did not mean 'big' literally).

The thing is, if you think about it, there are very few Americans in Hong Kong compared to its ratio of Americans. There are twice, if not more New Zealanders and British-folk than Americans. New Wholanders?


The Bubble, is why. Yes, the Capital Bubble.

Some men are born great. Others have greatness trust upon them. But the greatest just edit their wikipedia page.

Its like kinship when someone mentions their American - especially if their from the Midwest or MN - your country-folk men, yeah? Subconsciously, I know I'm on the the lookout for an American drawl (though, if I know about it, its not really subconscious, is it?) - like and American Radar Detector (pretty cool, huh?). I used to hate my American bedding's because they were drab – now I'm proud of them.

But what am I proud of? Sure enough, Brittney Spears, a failing economy and Hollywood top my American Pride list.

You see America culture EVERYONE in Hong Kong. Not just McDonald's, but actually CULTURE. Like, little girl's humming some American pop song or a Beatles logo or imported American clothing, hairstyles, pop stars, foods. Some of my, like Canadian/Aussie friend's know more about American pop than I do.

Really, the point is this: Edina is a bubble. Realize how non-culturally diverse America, especially Edina is. I'd didn't even know where New Zealand was until a few of my friends tell me their from NZ. We hear about our failing economy in the news and how our schools our 23rd in Science/Math and can't help but wonder how long this bubble will last until is pops entirely.

इ थिंक - नो इ क्नोव - इ ऍम थे मोस्ट अवेसोमेस्ट परसों, लिखे, एवर.

Ten e-bucks (that's right folks! And you thought e-mail was cool. E-bucks - your source of virtual money!) if you can figure out what I just said.

I'm really proud of myself. Stayed on topic for like, the entire thing. Which is something of a world record for me.

Cantonese vs. Mandarin


Friday, September 12, 2008


Not much happin'.

I got a bunch of new stuff and books and shoes and goggles.

Anyway, not much happening now. This is just to say I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. Though that sounds like good fun.

- A

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why Must You Wound Me So? Part 1

1. McDonald's. McDonald's, you wound my soul. So delicious, your golden, heart-attack-inducing fries - so mouthwatering, your 300 billion calorie packed Big Macs. Why, you can Super Size Me any day.
So, I went to a Hong Kong McDonald a while back (because, obviously, the first thing we did once we got to Hong Kong was eat at McD's). As for the food, its very different. Obviously, no dollar menu (read: 1USD=8HKD).

The biggest difference is probably also the best/worst, depending how you look at it. When my order, a Meal Double Cheeseburger arrived, I thought they'd made a mistake or something. No joke, the burger was as big as those Kid's Meal ones and the drink - the coke I order probably didn't even hit 8 0unces. No refills. They were offending the McD gods, no doubt.

Obvious, methinks angry. What happened to my beautiful food? 'Mini-Size Me', I suppose what they are trying to go for (though the day people go into McD's with a mindset of losing weight is the day pigs fly) . And as much as it pains to me say this, it might actually do us all some good to restrict our McD's. Its obvious why Americans are so fat (er... obese) - because they haven't been introduced to Hong Kong, home of the Mini-Size Me McDonald's.

"When the world gets in my face, I say: Have A Nice Day." - Jon Bon Jovi

2. Breast Pocket Logos. KGV. Sha Tin. Discovery Bay. Renaissance. All international schools in Hong Kong. All schools with a uniform. Now, obviously, before I start ranting about the uniforms (which is an entirely different matter), I'd like to just point out one incredibly stupid and annoying thing: ao I want to find out which school this one girl goes to, right? So I look to her uniform and the logo is stitched in like the tiniest letters possible onto her left breast pocket - aka her left boob. I mean, why must things always be stitched there?

I mean, take Bob. A totally innocent guy trying to read this girl's logo - Bob could be misinterpreted as a pervert just because it seems like he's ogling at some random girl's chest, when in reality, he's just trying to inform himself! Injustice, say the males! Inform, thyself!

... yeah...

"Either that wallpaper goes, or I do." - Oscar Wilde, his choice dying words.

3. Sour Skittles. You tongue hurts like never before - you can't even eat without your tongue burning. What's wrong with you? Well, duh! Haven't you heard? You have a Skittles-Tongue Hangover, of course!

You probably know what I'm talking about, but if you don't, then you, my friend, have never tried Sour Skittles: those colorful things covered in sugary stuff and slapped in a green package?

Yup. Basically, the little morsels are delicious - sweet, sour and brilliant.

So, why am I complaining? Well, if you've tried Sour skittles, then you know the aftertaste - how ruddy bad your tongue feels after slugging down a pack of 'em greenies. I'm not going to lie, it kind of hurts. Like, I can't even feel my tongue. Currently, I'm eating a pack right now (because I obviously don't learn).

What can I say, they're delicious (my latest theory is that skittles Co. injects like some alcohol or something into the skittles. I mean, doesn't it sound like drugs to you? Unstoppable urge to consume said drug with bad after-effects). I shall look into that mysterious conundrum.

(BTW, I totally recommend the Hong Kong version of Sour Skittles. Again, like McD's, the packages are smaller and the only difference is the gross green skittle. You know, the lime-ish flavored one that nobody likes. Well, in HK, its Green Apple flavored and its like, the EPITOME of skittles flavor. Like the posterboy for delicious candy.)

- A