Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Bubble that is Americans

Current Favorite Color (because it changes rather frequently): Green

America is a big country. Like really, they're not kidding when they say 'from sea to shining sea'. You figure in a big country like, say, Hong Kong, it'd be chalk full of other big Americans (and no, I did not mean 'big' literally).

The thing is, if you think about it, there are very few Americans in Hong Kong compared to its ratio of Americans. There are twice, if not more New Zealanders and British-folk than Americans. New Wholanders?


The Bubble, is why. Yes, the Capital Bubble.

Some men are born great. Others have greatness trust upon them. But the greatest just edit their wikipedia page.

Its like kinship when someone mentions their American - especially if their from the Midwest or MN - your country-folk men, yeah? Subconsciously, I know I'm on the the lookout for an American drawl (though, if I know about it, its not really subconscious, is it?) - like and American Radar Detector (pretty cool, huh?). I used to hate my American bedding's because they were drab – now I'm proud of them.

But what am I proud of? Sure enough, Brittney Spears, a failing economy and Hollywood top my American Pride list.

You see America culture EVERYONE in Hong Kong. Not just McDonald's, but actually CULTURE. Like, little girl's humming some American pop song or a Beatles logo or imported American clothing, hairstyles, pop stars, foods. Some of my, like Canadian/Aussie friend's know more about American pop than I do.

Really, the point is this: Edina is a bubble. Realize how non-culturally diverse America, especially Edina is. I'd didn't even know where New Zealand was until a few of my friends tell me their from NZ. We hear about our failing economy in the news and how our schools our 23rd in Science/Math and can't help but wonder how long this bubble will last until is pops entirely.

इ थिंक - नो इ क्नोव - इ ऍम थे मोस्ट अवेसोमेस्ट परसों, लिखे, एवर.

Ten e-bucks (that's right folks! And you thought e-mail was cool. E-bucks - your source of virtual money!) if you can figure out what I just said.

I'm really proud of myself. Stayed on topic for like, the entire thing. Which is something of a world record for me.

Cantonese vs. Mandarin


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